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Post  ket Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:41 pm

Here are the different ways to harass depending on which type you are (Melee or Range) versus what type of opponent you are facing.

Melee VS Range

There is an obvious advantage having a range attack to having a melee attack. A range unit will always has a natural advantage to a melee unit, one being they can attack you and get away before creeps attack them. Melee units do not have that luxury, but one thing they do have is damage.

A melee unit usually has a damage advantage over range units (not always). To avoid alerting creeps to your presence when trying to back off a range unit, do not click on that hero. Instead click right behind them (behind meaning were they would have to go to run away). This does not always work because the next unit that attacks you (if any) will be the unit you go for.

So before you attack that hero make sure no other unit is attacking you and go for it. Your hero (if your not attacked by anything else) will go to his default setting, which is to attack the nearest possible unit. And hopefully you go as close as possible, which should mean that enemy hero. This does not make the creeps attack you, and to get back to their tower they will have to go around you. All the while you are scoring hits on them. (Note- this is in a 1 vs. 1 situation, do not try this if there are multiple opponent’s).

IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Rangevsmeleeao2

Now that you have the advantage you might as well piss off your opponent’s as much as possible. You can attack them once and click back. The creeps will most likely come for you, but you should be fairly far from the battle so it will take them at least 1 second to get to you. And by clicking back you make sure they will not get to you. You might say what does attacking them once possible do? Well once not much, but you should be doing this at every opportunity, meaning it will add up, making your job when you decide to kill them a lot easier.

IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Rangevsrangedc4

The epic battle, those who can animation cancel the best will most likely win (excluding damage of course). Range vs. range is probably the hardest of all of them because you both have the advantage of being outside the battle. And if you try to attack them it puts you inside the battle. Letting your opponent attack you a couple times as you try and run back from that 1 hit you just scored on them. The best way to counteract this is to let the opportunity present itself. Let a lot of the creeps die and right before your own creeps start pushing forward. Take advantage and run in and score a couple hits. Knowing when to do this is key to winning a Range battle.

IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Meleevsmeleezu3\

This battle is extremely…………..slow. Unless your opponent is kamikaze, you both will most likely be sitting back and last hitting. This is a position were your creeps are your best friends. They will be what do the most damage. In an IH game both melee units will be sitting back waiting to last hit the creeps. This can make it difficult to score any hits on your opponent. Again to counteract this you must let an opportunity present itself. Letting their creeps die and running in after there mostly dead to score some hits, is about the only way to damage them.

In a public game on the other hand, this changes drastically. In most pubs no one is last hitting and are just letting themselves go all out on the creeps. If you’re trying to damage them I suggest you do the same. The best way to damage them is by using your creeps, and the only way of using your creeps (short of all your opponent’s creeps being dead) is by your opponent’s clicking on your hero. So for that to happen you have to put yourself in the position to be attacked.

So now were back at going at the creeps. By sitting there and attacking your creeps (technically you don’t need to be attacking you just need to be in a position to be attacked by your opponent) you give your opponent an opening. Because you’re both melee you should be right in the battle of the creeps. So if they do attack you this will pull all the creeps to them (smart huh).

What you can do is just like in the above strategy, by not clicking on them. But instead clicking right next to them. Since you are in the battle the chance that you will attack the hero is slight but there is still that chance. Your opponent will most likely think “OMG he’s attacking me, ATTACK BACK” , and will click on you to attack. This is of course what you wanted from the beginning.

Hopefully not to many creeps died while you were doing all of this. And now you have yourself and your creeps attacking one hero. Unless there damage is insane they will have to run or be killed.

You just won your first melee battle (Kudos to you).


Spell harassment is much different from regular harassment because you are usually not directly in the battle. Spells can be cast further outside of the battle, and usually does far more damage than regular harassment, to more easily damage an opponent.

Depending on what hero you are, will determine how you will harass with spells. Heroes such as Lich, Tinker, Crystal Maiden, and Twin Headed Dragon have an extremely easy time with spell harassing, as they all have a spell that has a fast cool down.

With AoE spells, such as THD Dual Breath, or Lich Frost Nova (yes it is AoE also) you always want to try and get as many units/heroes in the radius as possible. Of course it is easier with a spell like Dual Breath that has a larger AoE. But with practice you can time it just as effectively with Nova as well.

When targeting heroes with a spell, you always want to target the hero who is more of a threat to you and your allies.

Say you are laned against a Pudge, and a Crystal Maiden. Both are very powerful early game. With CM she requires items to be effective mid/late game, or she can be easily countered with a stun. Items such as BKB, DoE, Lothars (I don’t know who would go Lothars but you never know) are required for her to deal damage in a team battle.

With Pudge, his damage is in his spells. All he has to get is some regeneration, wait until level 7 and go off killing. So who should you target with your spells?

CM is the best option you want to kill her, or force her back to heal as much as possible to delay any items she might get. Pudge has a harder time of farming anyways, as he is a melee hero, and must get up close in the battle. For him you can harass with your regular attack.

Because CM is outside of the battle, she is harder to hit with a regular attack that will not alert the creeps to attack you.

D. Ideal positions in Lanes
You might be wondering, what? Some people will say just being in the right lane is the ideal position. Well I suppose that’s true, but there are ideal spots for you and your creeps to be to make your job a lot easier.

The best position mid lane is for you to be right above your ramp. This gives you a huge advantage over your opponent’s. One you get for of war on your side. And two you get an extremely high chance for evasion (don’t know exact number, it is around 25% I believe).
IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Idealpositionmiddleeh3

You do not want to be by your tower because it can take your creep kills from you. And you don't want to be by their tower for obvious reasons. You put yourself in a ganking position.

At either top or bottom lanes obviously your not going to have a ramp to use to your advantage. So for top, you want to be as far away from your opponents tower as possible.

IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Idealpositiontopuc6

This allows you a much safer and easier job in deny/last hitting.

For bottom, you want them to be as close to your tower as possible. So that your opponents have a harder time in deny/last hitting.

IMBA LANE CONTROL GUIDE!!!! PART : 2 Idealpositionbottomco1

E. Picking a Lane
The very first step to lane control would obviously be the lane you initially choose. Choosing a lane can be decided upon many things, whether that is your opponents, or your hero, or any hero combos you are trying.

Solo heroes are commonly heroes who have a very strong early or late game. It can also be someone who needs to get a certain point quick, to maximize his/her effectiveness for the team.

A quick example would be a Tinker. He can spam his nukes, and once he hits level 5-7 he can start ganking his opponents to help his allies control their lanes as well.

This is but one example, other heroes include heroes such as Silencer, who have an active skill (Glaives). These allow for great harassing, to maintain dominate lane control over a lane. Because with active abilities you do not alert creeps when you attack, you can attack them multiple times, without fear of the creeps damaging you.

All of these things factor into whether or not you should solo.

The other factor is gold income, heroes who require a lot of gold to remain or become effective, usually like to solo. That is because you do not want to be in your lane, competing with an ally for creep kills.

The other factors, such as your allies and your hero, are usually decided by Hero Combos, such as which heroes go well with another hero. The most common, as I mention in the Hero Combos section, is Range + Melee combo. From there it goes further down, into Disable, stun, nuke, slow and so on.

It ultimately comes down to your allies choice (not your own), as to who will get what lane. Soloing is primarily Middle or Top (Sentinel) or Bottom (Scourge).

Always pick a lane who does not counter your own skills. If you are melee, try and get laned with another melee. If you are a lowlife agility hero, try not to get laned against a heavy nuke hero.

Usually melee heroes do not solo. That is because if you accidentally get laned against a range hero, you have a very high chance of being dominated. Of course that is not always the case. Melee hero's such as Terror Blade, Broodmother. All have great Melee lane control, from their ability to heal themselves.

If you do ever decide to solo a lane with a melee hero, who does not have an active healing ability, make sure to bring plenty of regeneration. If you get laned against a good range hero, you will be harassed often.

Remember that you can always switch if you do not like your current matchups. Just make sure to warn your allies before you switch. You do not want to leave any enemy hero's alone in a lane for any length of time.

Posts : 56
Join date : 2008-09-22

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